CFA regularly offers Summer Fencing Camps for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced fencers over multiple weeks in the summer. The information below will answer the most common questions on the camps, but if there is something we missed just give us a call or email and we will get you the details.
Our beginner’s camps are designed to take students from beginner to intermediate fencers. Our intermediate camps are for fencers who are thinking about or already competing on the USFA or school league circuit. Classes will run daily (M-F) from 10am -4pm. Early drop-off and late pick-up can be arranged if needed – just let us know. All classes are held at our fencing salle, located at 1731 Allied St, Charlottesville, VA 22903. As with all our classes, participants should be at least 8 years old (except for the July August 5th-9th session).
You can download our Summer Camp registration forms here: CFA-Summer-2015-Registration Once you have your form completed you can mail it in or drop it off at the salle during summer business hours. Remember that class sizes are limited, so don’t wait to long! Please call CFA or email with any questions.
Our summer camp schedule for 2015 is as follows:
22-26: Beginners’ camp
29-July 3: Intermediate
6-10: Beginners
13-17: Intermediate
Youth Camp (5-12)
July 27-31
Please note that these are our confirmed dates. Additional dates may be added based on demand. Minimum group size is 6 campers, so if your group or organization would like to set up a special summer camp, please contact us at
Highlights of our Summer Camp:
* Basics of fencing footwork and safety
* Group and private lessons
* Sessions on fencing techniques and strategic thinking
* Fencing related movies
* Viewing and discussing taped fencing matches from national and international tournaments
* Fencing games to improve footwork and hand-eye coordination
* Friday mini-tournaments
Summer Camp Costs:
We are currently charging $375 per person for each week-long session and $300 for any additional sessions attended by the same person. $100 of this fee should be paid as a deposit at least two weeks prior to the start of camp. This cost includes use of club-owned USFA approved fencing gear (required) during the class. Students should wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes and athletic shoes. Students should bring a packed lunch. We have a fridge and microwave available. Cold drinks and snacks are available for purchase.
If desired, a personal set of gear (beginner’s kit) can be purchased through the club (this is in addition to the cost of the session). The kit consists of a mask, jacket, glove, and sword. You can, of course, also purchase the required gear from another fencing equipment vendor. However, we recommend purchasing though our club to ensure you are properly fitted for the safety equipment and that it meets current USFA standards.
Family Discounts:
If more than one person from a family is attending our summer camps, we offer a discounted rate of $325 per person per week for additional attendees. For families with multiple fencers attending camps, or a fencer attending more than one camp, we will figure out your exact cost with the family discount as it applies to your situation when you pay the balance due.